They are often vulnerable people who are tricked, coerced or threatened into involvement with work, or potentially criminal activity.
They are then not able to leave or report their exploitative situation due to fear, control or physical intimidation. It is possible that people may not recognise themselves as victims of modern slavery even though they could be being unlawfully exploited.
MSHT encompasses a wide range of abuses including; slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour and trafficking for the purpose of exploiting a person. These are typically for financial benefit though this is not always the principle motivation.
The forms of modern slavery and trafficking with a view to exploitation you may encounter.
Labour exploitation - Working for offenders, or working for someone other than offenders
Domestic servitude - Exploited by partner, relatives or someone not related to them, with whom they live
Sexual exploitation - Child sexual exploitation by group or individual. Sex work in fixed or changing location, trafficking for personal or third-party gratification
Criminal exploitation - Forced gang-related activity, forced labour in illegal activities, forced acquisitive crime/begging, financial exploitation and sham marriages.
It is not necessary for the use of force to be evident in the criminal exploitation of a child.
Last Updated on February 19, 2024